Access 7 Yin Yoga & meditation class plans designed to inspire and enrich your practice and teaching, offering fresh ideas for every class.
Discover the transformative power of Yoga Nidra with guided meditations for healing, manifestation, and inner Peace. The Book of Yoga Nidra
Discover the transformative power of Yin Yoga and Meditation with this comprehensive guide designed for both practitioners and teachers to
How should your pose look in Yin Yoga? Learn more about the countless possibilities to make your practice your own!
Enjoy this free downloadable Yoga Nidra practice for healing and deep bliss. Experience the profound benefits of deep Yoga Nidra meditation.
Learn about the value of rest to support a whole self Yin Yoga & Meditation practice that nurtures not just the physical body, but also the
How does Yin Yoga support healthy and hydrated connective tissues? Read more here.
Immerse yourself in Yin Yoga with Sagel Urlacher's comprehensive guide. Learn techniques and philosophies to deepen your teaching & practice
Understanding the language of the body, that is, understanding the sensations we're feeling, is an ongoing process that requires