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Yin Yoga - Your Body and Your Practice

February 6, 2025
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a female yoga student in child's pose

Each of us brings a beautifully unique spirit into the world, and the same holds true for our bodies. Our bones differ in shape, length, and alignment, so we move in our own distinctive ways on and off the yoga mat. Even within your own body, you might notice differences, like one hip rotating outward while the other turns more inward.

This natural variation is something to embrace, especially in Yin Yoga. There’s no “correct” way to do a posture...only countless variations, potentialities created by the unique structure of your body.

In Yin Yoga, we focus not on how a posture looks but how it feels, listen deeply to our body, and move with intention. The practice is not about perfection but instead cultivating awareness and honoring self-care. In a world that often pressures us to conform externally, Yin offers a space to soften and tune inward, trusting your body to guide you.

Each time you come to the mat, take your time. Begin gently, with mindfulness and curiosity. Explore how your body responds, using props when needed to support mild sensation. Props help adjust each posture to meet your needs and find the shape that feels right for you each moment.

As you settle into the posture, you’re nourishing your fascia and joints, helping hydrate, release tension, and promote long-term flexibility and stability.

Yin is a journey of self-discovery that nurtures every aspect of you. By honoring your body’s wisdom and letting go of expectations, you’ll find the deepest benefits of Yin Yoga arise.

If you’re looking to deepen your Yin Yoga practice, whether as a practitioner or teacher, Yin Yoga & Meditation offers a loving guide to support you. With step-by-step instructions & beautiful photographs, this book invites you to explore each pose at your own pace. It provides thoughtful modifications and prop suggestions, so you can practice and teach with care, confidence, & kindness. You can find your copy of Yin Yoga & Meditation on Amazon!✨

If you'd like to go deeper, I invite you to join me for my 40-Hour Live Online Yin Yoga & Meditation Training. For more details, just visit HERE!

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