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Illuminate Your Mind in Yoga Nidra

October 21, 2024
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a picture of the universal mind

Yoga Nidra meditation is a practice that can bring you and your students effortless release, deepening relaxation, and inner illumination. It opens the door to the deeper realms of the mind that are typically inaccessible in our day to day waking state. You might picture your mind as an ocean. The shoreline represents your normal waking state. Just as you might gradually wade into deeper waters and eventually settle on the ocean floor, the inward-moving techniques of Yoga Nidra guide us progressively deeper into the subconscious and unconscious mind.

With access to these more subtle places, we can align and train the layers of the mind to work collaboratively and support each other. Due to life experiences and various forms of conditioning, we can develop mistaken or limiting beliefs, unhealed wounds, and suppressed fears or desires. This leads our unconscious and subconscious mind to work at cross-purposes with our conscious mind. This requires a great deal of prana (life energy) and creates significant internal tension—mentally, emotionally, energetically, spiritually, and physically.

Yoga Nidra is a holistic practice of tension and stress relief, from the outermost physical aspects of ourselves all the way to our core. This practice brings profound relaxation to all aspects of your being by clearing and cleansing tensions from the koshas or “veils." These layers aren’t typically accessible in our daily waking state, as life requires us to be outwardly engaged and responsive to the surrounding world. Through the progressive, methodical inward-moving techniques of Yoga Nidra, we relax fully and maintain a witness awareness, allowing us to delve deeper and access increasingly subtle aspects of ourselves.

We gain access with awareness to our subconscious and unconscious mind, a fertile space where what is placed there will manifest. Sankalpa is a powerful tool for training the mind. By utilizing this tool, we can also guide the deeper layers of the mind to release tensions, clear out old memories, misperceptions, misbeliefs, self-limiting beliefs, and half-truths that hinder our wholeness and happiness. In Yoga Nidra, we can train the subconscious mind to grow our Sankalpa, our spirit's highest intentions, to work collaboratively with the conscious mind, and ultimately deliver it to the unconscious mind. We integrate the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious mind, helping align them in common purpose and revealing hidden potentials.

As Deepak Chopra once said, "If we could learn to live from the level of the soul, we would see that the best, most luminous part of ourselves is connected to all the rhythms of the universe. We would truly know ourselves as the miracle-makers we are capable of being."

Through Yoga Nidra, we transcend these layers of the mind and expand our awareness beyond the outer layers of our being. We are empowered with a direct experience with our innermost eternal self, the illumined self. In this practice, we use the mind to transcend the mind, connecting with the peaceful, whole, boundless, all-knowing, all-capable, all-loving, inner being that is at our core.

Experience the profound benefits of deep, effortless Yoga Nidra Meditation. Get your complimentary downloadable Yoga Nidra Practice - "Yoga Nidra for Healing & Deep Bliss" HERE!

If you'd like to go deeper, I invite you to join me for:

40HR Live Online Yoga Nidra Teacher Training

35HR Self-Paced Streaming Yoga Nidra Teacher Training

You might also check out my book - The Book of Yoga Nidra Meditation Scripts: 30 Yoga Nidra Scripts for Deep Relaxation, Inner Peace, & Manifesting Your Joy - available on Amazon!

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