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Yoga Nidra-Inspired Deep Relaxation in the Sonoran Desert

February 6, 2025
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online yoga nidra deep relaxation practice

Yoga Nidra, backed by science, has the power to reduce the unnecessary activation of our flight-flight response helping us come home to the peace within. When we feel more peaceful, we can be a more peaceful presence for the people around us.

I invite you to join me to experience this Yoga Nidra-Inspired deep relaxation practice, set amid the awe-inspiring Arizona desert and in the company of majestic and serene Saguaros.

A few minutes and a quiet space are all that’s required. Allow yourself to enjoy a well-earned rest and complete relaxation. This practice is available for you on my new YouTube Channel @sagelurlacher 🕊 HERE!

a drawing of the limbic system of the brain

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