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Understanding Yoga Nidra - The Union of Sleep and Awareness

February 6, 2025
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a woman lying peacefully on the grass

The word "yoga" comes from the Sanskrit term “yuj,” meaning “union,” a beautiful concept of yoking or joining together. At its core, yoga is a pathway to unite the body, mind, and heart, fostering a connection between individual and universal consciousness. This union invites us to experience oneness with all that exists, linking our eternal inner self with everything around us. This deep connection is a primary intention behind all yogic practices.

"Nidra" translates to "sleep," so when combined we have “Yoga Nidra,” which is often referred to as “yogic sleep.” This practice is about merging sleep with awareness. During Yoga Nidra, while the layers of our being gently drift into sleep, our innermost self remains awake and aware.

Yoga Nidra encompasses two key elements: relaxation and awareness. In Yoga Nidra, we use our awareness to deepen relaxation, employing a variety of techniques to cultivate a witness-like perspective. This means we practice being detached observers of our inner experiences. By progressively relaxing inward while nurturing this silent witness awareness, we can explore the deeper layers of the mind—the subconscious and unconscious—where our personality takes shape.

Think of your awareness as a searchlight, illuminating the hidden depths of your psyche. As we shine this light, significant psychological healing can occur, allowing us to uncover our True Nature. In this space, we realize we are not just our bodies, minds, or emotions. We transcend these outer layers and reconnect with our essence as the seer, the experiencer, our eternal inner being.

The Yoga Nidra journey not only promotes profound healing but also deepens our understanding of who we truly are—the real you. To fully embrace these benefits, we need both deep relaxation and a detached awareness, experiencing sleep while keeping our inner awareness awake.

If you'd like to learn to create and guide fulfilling Yoga Nidra sessions for yourself or others. I invite you to join me for my Online Yoga Nidra Teacher Training. Whether you’re a yoga teacher, a dedicated practitioner, a wellness professional, or simply someone passionate about Yoga Nidra, you're welcome! All programs are eligible for Yoga Alliance CEUs✨🕊

For program details and registration, please visit here:

Live Online 40HR Yoga Nidra Teacher Training

Self-Paced Streaming Online 35HR Yoga Nidra Teacher Training

You might also enjoy my book - The Book of Yoga Nidra Meditation Scripts: 30 Yoga Nidra Scripts for Deep Relaxation, Inner Peace, & Manifesting Your Joy, now available on Amazon!

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