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Harness the Power of Sankalpa in Yoga Nidra

September 10, 2024
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a picture of two people sitting on yoga mats meditating with their hands on their hearts

We are here to live with intention and purpose...designed to thrive, filled with joy, our intrinsic blueprint and birthright. Yoga Nidra invites us to embrace this beautiful journey of intentional practice and living.

There is a Sanskrit word that expresses our most heartfelt intentions: Sankalpa.

“San” signifies our connection to our highest truth…“Kalpa” represents a vow that we hold dearly above all else. Sankalpa is a potent instrument for positive change and building a bridge between our intentions and actions.

Imagine your Sankalpa as a guiding light, illuminating your path toward fulfillment and leading you back to your heart. Most anything in life can fail you, but not a Sankalpa made with sincerity and resolve.

Through the practice of Yoga Nidra, we unearth the profound power of Sankalpa,  a deep dedication to nurturing our highest aspirations. Every time you practice, you have the opportunity to reconnect with your true self and plant the seeds of intentions that resonate most deeply with your life.

Deep within your heart lies a unique calling—a vision of who you wish to become that brings joy to yourself and those around you. Whether it's nurturing others with kindness, fostering change in your community, or spreading love, your aspirations have the power to uplift and inspire.

✨What do you truly desire for yourself, for others, for our world? What song does your spirit sing? ✨

If you’d like to go deeper, I invite you to join me for my Live Online 40HR Yoga Nidra Teacher Training - Nov 8-10. 2024, YA Cert. 40 CEUs avail. All are welcome to join!

💜 Sagel

For Live Online Yoga Nidra Teacher Training program details and registration, please visit HERE!

You might also enjoy my book - The Book of Yoga Nidra Meditation Scripts: 30 Yoga Nidra Scripts for Deep Relaxation, Inner Peace, & Manifesting Your Joy - available on Amazon!

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